Jurien Bay.

Distance from Perth: 225km

Nearest Fuel: Jurien Bay

Size: Multiple 4WD tracks north and south along the coast.

Time to allow: 2 days+ (North Head & Sandy Point 4wd tracks can easily be done as a half day trip or a couple of days of relaxing)

Combine this trip with: Cervantes/Pinnacles, Green Head, Leeman and Stockyard Gully Caves.

Sunset at Jurien Bay.

Sunset in The Bay.

This is a small growing fishing town nestled in a picturesque bay just a few hours' drive north of Perth via Indian Ocean Drive.

The town thrives on crayfish and tourists. There is accommodation to suit anyone's needs, from beach front apartments to caravan parks.

From the town centre everything is within walking distance, there is a supermarket, camping and fishing store, Laundromat and other stores to supply almost all needs.

The camping/fishing store has a vast selection of goods which would come in handy for resupply or stocking up on those couple of things you forgot to bring.

On a week day it is usually very quiet in town, it's a good idea to check which restaurants are open during week days as most will shut for one or two week days.

On the weekend it gets busy, however there is no lack of space and in the holidays the population almost doubles.

For the kids:

At the western end of Roberts street there is a big play ground for kids, and just a 2 minute walk north along the coastal park is another kids play ground.

For the older kids there is a recreational jetty (see Jurien Bay Jetty)


The Jetty:

Playground & jetty at Jurien Bay

The Playground & Jetty.

The recreational jetty is at the end of Roberts street.

It caters for fishing, swimming and strolling/sightseeing.

You don't need to be a skilled fisherman to catch fish from this jetty, just looking into the water you can actually see hundreds of fish small and large.

The jetty has a washing basin for cleaning fish and fishing gear, it even has a few sheltered sections.

Part of the jetty is swimming only and these parts are clearly marked.

Jurien Bay jetty by night.

The jetty by night.

Jurien History:

Jurien Bay was first established in the 1850's, around the mid 1880's the first jetty was constructed for shipping live stock, in the early 1900's a fishing village had been built around

the jetty and then in the 1950's the first permanent residents built structures on their purchased land.

Land back in those days cost about 180 pounds with no water or power.

4WDing north of Jurien Bay:

A short drive on Indian Ocean Drive heading north is a 4wd Sandy Cape recreational area, camping is allowed in Sandy Cape see the information board for details.

Part of this area is in the Jurien Marine Park. There is some really good scenery to be seen in this area.

Sandy Cape info bay.

The Information Bay.

Things to do:

  • 4WD Explore Sandy Cape and North Head
  • 4WD Explore more sand tracks along the coast 4WD to your own stretch of beach and relax for the day Fishing from beaches or jetties.
  • Sky diving (bookings and info call 08 9652 1320)
  • Scenic Flights (bookings and info call 0467 888 044)
  • Explore The Marine Park (swim with Sea lions and Whale watching)
  • Snorkeling & Scrubber diving
  • Wind surfing.
  • Kite surfing and surfing Boating


GPS Way points:

For information about How to enter the GPS Way-points into Google Earth see this video.

For information about How to enter the GPS Way-points into Google Earth

see this video.

Jurien Bay Recreational Jetty (also large play ground for the kids):




115° 2'13.75"E

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